Spicy Ricey Courgette Boats

This amount serves 2, and it makes a great fasting day meal for those following the 5:2 diet, because it’s low in calories but filling.

Spicy Mexican Fish Wraps

Lightly spiced and low-calorie fish wraps, perfect for a light family lunch or supper, and easy to cook.

Spicy Fish Creole with Coconut Lime Rice

An exotic Creole inspired recipe that uses fresh British fish with imaginative spicing; the spicy fish is offset by serving it with coconut rice and the each portion is only 350 calories per person with the rice.

Smoky Mexican Stir Fry with Chicken

Stir fries don’t have to be Asian inspired, and this Mexican style 5:2 Diet Fast Day recipe is packed full of flavour, as well as being healthy and containing some of your five-a-day in one filling dish.

Spicy Vegetable Stir-Fry with Sesame Courgette Ribbons

FastDay collects the best fasting recipes from the web and this recipe appears on Rachel Cotterill’s Blog. For full details on how to make this recipe, please visit her blog using the link below http://blog.rachelcotterill.com/2013/04/low-calorie-stir-fry-with-sesame.html

Spicy Veggie Tacos

Spice veggie mince with green and red peppers. Perfect served inside crispy tacos with iceberg lettuce, sour cream, guacamole and grated cheddar.