5 fun and creative ways to track your weight loss

Many fasters use various weight tracking apps or indeed FastDay’s own Progress Tracker – but that’s not what I’m talking about today. While some of us find charts and graphs a thing of beauty, we don’t necessary want to pin them up around the house to admire! It is however nice to have a reminder of how far we’ve come and there are loads of creative and fun ways to do this.

Sure, you can buy little “lbs lost” chalk boards to hang up and write your losses and goals in pretty pastel colours – but what about the ideas below which you can do with things you may well have lying around the house, or can pick up for relatively little cost?

#1 Two containers, and lots of pretty little things

This is one of the simplest and most inexpensive ways you can represent your weight loss visually at home. You can even make it match your décor! All you need is a couple of jars, glasses, vases or similar and enough pretty little items to represent the lbs you want to lose! You could use buttons, pebbles, gemstones or marbles (anything you like really!) depending on the size of your containers and how many lbs you want to lose. Label one contained for ‘lbs to lose’ and one for ‘lbs lost’, moving an item from one jar to the other as you lose weight. Thanks go to Dawn Rose for the picture of her weight loss marble bowls.

#2 Building block towers

I saw this from a user on a 5:2 Diet Facebook group and she kindly allowed me to use the above image (thank you Sarah Deller!). If you’ve got kids, the chances are you have some kind of building blocks you could use as shown above to display your current weight and how far you’ve come.


#3 Pretty magnets on a noticeboard


I love this DIY weight loss progress chart project I found on this website, so if you’re feeling crafty this could be just the project for you to keep you busy on a fast day. If you’re less crafty, you could just put a headed-up sheet of paper on your fridge door with a column for lbs lost and lbs to lose, using magnets to hold it up. Being on the fridge serves the added purpose of reminding you how well you’ve done each time you head for the cool cupboard of delights.


#4 Pegs on a ribbon

This simple crafty idea I spotted on Pinterest is inexpensive and really cute! A few pieces of ribbon or string, some mini crafting pegs and some coloured card are all it takes to put this weight tracker together. I may have to make one of these for my kitchen!


#5 Charm jewellery

Those ever popular charm bracelets and necklaces can be bought quite cheaply if you’re not fussed about sterling silver or branded beads. Why not treat yourself to one and buy a new bead or charm each time you lose a certain amount of weight? It not only marks how much you’ve lost, but also is a nice way to reward yourself for your continued success. If you’re creative you could even make your own bracelet – be sure to make it adjustable though as you may find when you’ve lost all the weight it’s too loose! 😉


Need more ideas?

  • If you’ve got 24lbs or less to use, why not use a numbered advent candle and burn a little each time you lose 1lb?
  • Reward yourself by putting a coin in your piggy bank for each 1lb lost – when you reach goal, you can get yourself a nice (non-food!) treat to congratulate yourself.
  • How about starting your own pretty artificial flower bouquet to display in your home? Get yourself a lovely new floral piece to add to it for every 1lb you lose. As you get smaller, the bouquet gets bigger!



Do you track your weight loss in a creative way? We’d love to hear how you do it! Let us know in the comments!

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