Smoked Haddock and Cauliflower Gratin
A fast day friendly fish gratin! Totally delicious and satisfying, a one-dish meal. The cauliflower makes an excellent alternative to potatoes.
A fast day friendly fish gratin! Totally delicious and satisfying, a one-dish meal. The cauliflower makes an excellent alternative to potatoes.
Deliciously light and spicy soup which can be made with prawns or chicken
Saffron and garlic lend a typical Spanish flavour to this easy way of preparing fish.
This Salmon dish is baked in the oven on a bed of shredded leeks. Ideal for a Fast Day dinner, served with some steamed vegetables.
A simple flavour packed salad which is only 90 calories per portion. This salad is perfect for anyone following the 5:2 diet.
Tonight we had a stir fry with loads of veg, king prawns, and vermicelli noodles, and it came in at under 300 calories for a huge serving. Nobody went hungry this evening, and the children enjoyed it.
These are a FastDay treat – since I don’t each much on Fastdays I figure I can splash out on something a bit out of the ordinary!
A great tasting curry that doesn’t take up too many Fastday calories!
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