Useful Stuff when you are Getting Started

You may want to invest in some Useful Stuff to help you get started with fasting. We are all different, so there is no single ‘starter kit’ that makes sense for people starting out with fasting. We recommend that you consider four investments to help you succeed: Books, especially recipe books if they are your …

What is The Two-Day Diet?

The Two Day Diet is a method of intermittent semi-fasting whereby you eat a very low carbohydrate diet for two days each week and a Mediterranean diet for the next five days.

What is The Every Other Day Diet?

The Every Other Day Diet is the title of a book published by Dr Krista Varady based on her research studies using ADF in overweight subjects.

What is the 8-hour diet?

Restricting your eating to an 8-hour window and fasting for 16 hours is a form of intermittent fasting that may appeal if you find skipping breakfast easy.

What is 5:2? How easy if fasting? Is fasting a diet or is it a way of eating for life?

What is The Fast Diet or the 5:2 diet?

The 5:2 diet (or Fast Diet) was created in 2012 by UK television presenter, Dr Michael Mosley, who investigated fasting as a way to improve his own health. His popular book has sold more than a million copies worldwide.

What is Leangains?

Leangains uses an 8-hour eating window and 16-hour fast combined with strength training to improve body composition.

What is Fast-5?

Fast-5 uses a short, 5-hour eating window, to ensure your body burns fat.

What is Alternate Day Fasting?

Alternating fast days with feast days has been well researched as a method for weight loss and is surprisingly easy to do. It’s good if you are looking for more rapid weight loss.

Inventing your own fasting method

You don’t need to follow anyone else’s method of intermittent fasting. It’s about doing what works for you, and what you can sustain in the long term. Use our guide to invent your own method.

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What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is simply taking a break from food for 12 hours or more. It’s very simple but brings many health benefits and is a great tool for weight loss.

I don't see hunger as a problem to be solved anymore. I eat better even when I am not fasting. Getting into new and better habits! We love it!

Intermittent fasting for health

When you take a break from eating, powerful changes occur in your body that can reduce your risk of many diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.