Becky’s 5:2 diet success story

Becky’s story

by Becky


So after years of not being happy with the way I look, as I have always been bigger, even as a child, I have tried so many different ‘diets’ of which NONE I have been able to stick to! I was introduced to a detox programme at the beginning of May and after seeing some fantastic results from a friend after the 9 days had been completed, I decided I had to give this a go! It wasn’t easy at first but I finished it and lost 8lb in the 9 days! I was so pleased but then thought I have to try and find another diet to do after it to try and keep the weight loss going! I stumbled across the 5:2 and thought I’d give it a go!


I asked one of my friends if she would like to try it with me and luckily she said yes! So since 16th May we have been doing 5:2 and quite quickly decided to try 4:3 and oh my god, we haven been loving it!!! We have planned lots of different kinds of meals together which has been very useful and we swear by My Fitness Pal! It has been a god send!! We have both lost each week, anywhere between 1 and 5lb and in all honesty on the 4 days I haven’t been overly strict with what I’ve been eating but have been very strict on the fast days so have still managed to lose!! I have, however, taken up running most weekday mornings before work, usually 3 miles which I feel has helped lots!!


Up to today (not including the 8lb loss from the detox) I have lost 21lb doing 5:2/4:3 and couldn’t be happier! Such a good and easy way to eat and way to lose weight! I started off at 13st 13lb and am now 11st 12lb, lowest weight I’ve ever been in my adult life!!!

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