Red Pepper, Lentil and Cheese Pate (Spread)

A delicious low- calorie spread, or pate, that is full of flavour – red peppers are cooked with red lentils, garlic, red onion, chives and cheese to make a tasty spread or pate, that is great for sandwiches, crudit�s, toast, crispbreads, crusty bread or Melba toast.

Moroccan Roasted Vegetable Salad with Feta Cheese

This salad is deliciously filling and with only 200 calories per portion, it makes a fabulous meal for anyone following the 5:2 diet on a fast day; or, for any other diet that is low-calorie based.

Creamy Garlic Mushrooms on Toast

A creamy low-calorie lunch or breakfast dish with cream cheese, herbs and garlic – this recipe only has 190 calories and makes a filling meal for those on a diet.

Cheese & Tomato Breakfast Omelette

A delicious and VERY tasty omelette that is a wonderful breakfast or brunch recipe for when you are watching your calories or are following the 5:2 diet.